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“Get a Mac” — check.

Well, I’ve finally done it. I went and bought myself a Mac. After programming and working with “PCs” for about 23 years, I am the proud owner of a MacBook Pro.

Why? Did I “switch”? Am I off Windows for good?

First of all, does everyone remember Apple’s Switcher campaign? Here is a link to the TV spots.

Second of all, No, I’m not giving up on PCs and Windows. I still work for the same company, and everything there is Windows based. I still go in every day and log into Windows on my Dell laptop, check mail on Outlook, look through work in Project, and make sure all is well with our 90+ Windows based servers.

No, my Mac is my reward to myself for working hard all day. After all, how long have I gone home to a Windows PC for goodness sake! Way too long, let me tell you!

I’ve been a Mac fan for way longer than some of you have been alive, I would guess. I played with a pre-production Mac when I was visiting a friend of mine whose company was developing software for the original Mac. I still remember how cool it was to have a computer in that little box with a built in monitor, and using the mouse to play with MacPaint. I think I spent hours and hours just mousing around! I decided then that someday I was going to have a Mac. Little did I know that I would have to wait 23 years before I actually got one as my main computer!

Anyway, my Windows PC is still sitting here in front of me. It still has all my files on it, it still has the printer connected to it, and it serves as a sort of de facto server for our family. Little by little, I’ll move stuff off that as I move more and more onto my Mac. This is the story of how I’m “going Mac” and all the little steps it’s going to take for me to get there. And also, it’s how my Mac and I still have to live and work with PCs. For example, as mentioned above, my printer is still hooked up to my PC. I need to access that printer from my Mac because I can’t just move it my Mac since the rest of the family prints to it as well.  Let me tell you, accessing that printer on the PC from a Mac is not an easy thing. That will be one of my future posts, as well as my efforts in accessing my work network through VPN. And Parallels! Let’s not forget that.

The Adventure begins. Make it so…

Categories: Uncategorized
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  1. June 11, 2007 at 7:53 am

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